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Data Security

Inheritance Data

Data Security

We take Data Protection very seriously at Inheritance Data and understand that appropriate security measures must be taken to protect your client’s personal data.

Data Protection Act 2018

The Data Protection Act (DPA) is a law designed to protect personal data. Our services comply with the Data Protection Act as we are only researching accounts that belong to people who are deceased.

Commissioner of Information

We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and our reference number is ZA107881. This means that we are regulated to ensure we are complying with data security legislation.

Yes/No Responses

After a search request, the only information we will receive from each financial institution is whether or not an account exists in the name of the deceased.

We will never know any details about account type or the amount of money held, but in some cases we will be able to provide reference numbers or policy information for probate solicitors to pursue. 

Have Any Question?

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